Corporate events is delighted to propose our services in helping you organize fascinatingly team-building events. conducts escape room concept driven games and entertainment activities making a day with us a unique and fun memory for all..
We will arrive:
to your office
to your chosen place - restaurant, bar or park
we will offer you the places to which we cooperate
we will find a place by your request.
Our team specialists in building tailored-made, intellectually stimulating and effective programs with elements of technologically advanced escape games and quizzes. These events can be held anywhere, at any time, even in your own office. We adjust to your every need and demand based on our correspondence and feedback.
We are constantly adapting and building new and improved games, some of which include week long warm-up events or in-depth, focused instructor-ship.
In addition to the games, each event can include :
snacks, lunch or dinner per request of our clients
music entertainment (Jazz Band or a disco dancing)
memorable gifts (Caps, T-shirts, USB drives with symbols of the client's organization) photo recording of the event
We are looking forward to help organizing your next event and bringing your team to be even more engaged at work.
Your team